Strategy guides are one of the staples in the gaming world that has been slowly fading out of existence, mainly thanks to the internet. Yet, despite the plethora of wikis and forums that can help you along in your quest, a good strategy guide is always welcome. Now you can obtain over 75 free eGuides from Prima absolutely free! First spotted by CheapAssGamer user BrianJason, Prima Games is giving away a ton of guides for games that span the gambit of consoles.
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The 2d20 System Reference Document (or 2d20 SRD) is a free toolkit that allows creators to craft their own 2d20-based roleplaying games and supplements. It explains all the core mechanics of the system, enabling game designers to create exciting experiences around this cinematic high-action ruleset. The 2d20 SRD serves as a central reference for the core of the 2d20 System, and as the basis for the Modiphius 2d20 World Builders Community Content Program through DriveThruRPG. 2d20 World Builders lets you design and sell your own complete 2d20-based games, supplements, characters, and more. Just read the 2d20 World Builders guidelines, design your content using the free 2d20 System Reference Document, format it using the official templates, and upload it to DriveThruRPG. 2ff7e9595c